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Raise A Glass To The First 7 Minutes Of The Perfect Couple

Raise a Glass to the First 7 Minutes of a Perfect Couple

The First 7 Minutes: A Make or Break Moment

The first 7 minutes of a date can set the tone for the entire evening.

A study by the University of Kansas found that people make up their minds about someone within the first 7 minutes of meeting them. That's not a lot of time to make a good impression!

So what can you do to make the most of those first 7 minutes?

  • Be yourself - Don't try to be someone you're not. People can tell when you're being fake, and it's not attractive.
  • Be confident - Even if you're feeling nervous, try to project confidence. People are drawn to those who seem sure of themselves.
  • Be interested in the other person - Ask questions and really listen to the answers. People love to talk about themselves, so show them that you're interested in what they have to say.
  • Be positive - No one wants to spend time with a negative person. Try to focus on the positive aspects of the date and the other person.
  • Be respectful - Even if you don't end up hitting it off, be respectful of the other person's time and feelings.

The Perfect First Date

The perfect first date is one where you both feel comfortable and have a good time. There's no need to plan anything elaborate. Just choose an activity that you both enjoy and let the conversation flow naturally.

Some ideas for perfect first dates include:

  • Going for a walk in the park
  • Grabbing coffee at a local cafe
  • Seeing a movie
  • Having dinner at a casual restaurant
  • Playing a game of mini golf

The most important thing is to choose something that you'll both enjoy and that will give you a chance to get to know each other better.

The Importance of First Impressions

First impressions matter.

A study by the University of California, Berkeley found that people who made a good first impression were more likely to be successful in their careers and relationships.

So if you're going on a first date, take the time to make a good impression. Dress nicely, be on time, and be respectful. You never know, it could be the start of something special.
