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Ipcalc Python

IP Subnet Calculation Module

Python Module for IP Subnet Calculations

Python offers a comprehensive module for effortlessly performing IP subnet calculations. Known as ipcalc, this versatile module effortlessly handles both IPv4 and IPv6 subnetting tasks using convenient CIDR notation.

Usage and Functionality

The ipcalc module provides an intuitive interface for extracting essential subnet details. Simply import the module and iterate through its results to obtain information such as network address, broadcast address, and subnet mask in a structured format.

Key Benefits

  • Effortless IPv4 and IPv6 subnetting calculations
  • Comprehensive subnet information with network address, broadcast address, and subnet mask
  • Enhanced readability and comprehension through binary representation of subnetting results
  • Ideal for educational purposes and practical networking tasks

Alternative Options

While ipcalc offers a robust solution for IP subnet calculations, alternative libraries exist. Netaddr and ipaddress are popular choices, providing comparable functionality and advantageous features. Evaluate each option based on specific requirements and preferences.


The Python ipcalc module empowers users with a powerful tool for IP subnet calculation tasks. Its support for both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR notation, along with its informative output, makes it an invaluable asset for networking professionals and hobbyists alike. Whether for educational or practical purposes, ipcalc streamlines the process of subnet calculations, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
